Monday, August 2, 2010

AWARD ?? oh my...

waaaahhhhh...i'm really happy....
i just got an award...
BIG BIG THANKS to my dear friend, Mayangsari Latumahina (please do visit her blog), who kindly gave me this...*smooches dear 
well, pertama-tama saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tuhan YME..*haha..lebay abis gue..

pokoknya...this award is such a great gift..thanks again mae..we'll meet soon yaa..:)

hai hai..
wazzup people??
gue baru aja buka acc fb gue news dan most recent updates dipenuhi oleh KEBANYAKAN temen smp dan sma gue yang udah lama banget ga ketemu...hiks T_T
yuppss..gue udah jarang banget ketemu temen smp gue yang deket maupun ga deket sama sekali(klo ga deket ngapain ketemu jen?ya pengen aja ;p)..dan pas liat foto mereka..WOW!people do change..gatau deh..but they seems different..bukan cuma penampilan aja..but,,everything..tambah mature perhaps?dan ya..berubah aja..temen sma gue juga gitu..they just change..faktor umurkah??i'm not sure..
some of them are now working..they just completely move forward..dan yang jadi pertanyaan sekarang, how 'bout me?? gue ngerasa kayanya gini-gini aja..nothing's change..nothing's different..just the old same me..
that's why..sepertinya emang ada yang harus dirubah dari seorang gue..bukan karena temen-temen gue yang lain berubah..but simply just because I NEED SOMETHING NEW..i need to change some part of the old me with a new one...

wish me luck people..
operation starts : NOW !!